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Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:5‬ ‭ESV‬‬


When we hear the word meek, we usually think of words like timid, apprehensive, fearful, or weak. But the word Jesus used here as meek can be best understood as gentle, mild or lowly. 


This Beatitude boldly addresses the idea that the powerful, the in-your-face aggressive, the look-at-me-I’m-strong...they will NOT inherit the earth. It is the meek, the gentle, the I-trust-in-God-not-my-own-strength people who will inherit the earth. This startling message was critically important for Jesus’ listeners to understand. In His coming kingdom, the “earth” would not be taken by personal or group strength, or by military force, like so many expected and prayed for several times every day, but by those whose dependence is on strength from God’s endless supply.  


The bottom line: it is the meek person who trusts in God and waits for His movement in his or her life who will be blessed and rewarded. 


This summer I read a great book. I’d encourage all of you to read it. It’s Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane C. Ortlund. In the book Ortlund takes this Beatitude and demonstrates how Jesus lived it out. The primary scripture the author bases his observations on is from Matthew 11. Notice that gentle and lowly are the same word for meek


​​Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, 

for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Ortlund says, “Meek. Humble. Gentle. Jesus is not trigger-happy. Not harsh, reactionary, easily exasperated. He is the most understanding person in the universe. The posture most natural to him is not a pointed finger but open arms.” (pg. 19)


Ortlund reminds his readers “He [Jesus] does not get flustered and frustrated when we come to him for fresh forgiveness, for renewed pardon, with distress and need and emptiness. That’s the whole point. It’s what he came to heal. He went down into the horror of death and plunged out through the other side in order to provide a limitless supply of mercy and grace to his people.” (pg. 37)


Jesus modeled meekness for us. He invites us to practice meekness with ourselves and others. Are you meek? 


The final quote I’ll share with you from Ortlund’s book is a great reminder for all of us. I hope you will remember Ortlund’s truth about Jesus. 


“When you come to Christ for mercy and love and help in your anguish and perplexity and sinfulness, you are going with the flow of his own deepest wishes, not against them.” (pg. 38)


Today, approach Jesus who can give you rest. Bring your worries, your troubles, your brokenness, your concerns and the heaviness you carry to Jesus. It is His deepest wish for us to share these things with Him. Then let’s do the same for others. 


Grace & Peace

Pastor Tom