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Mountainview Family,   

I believe God has given every follower of Jesus a place to serve… The question is not whether God wants us to be active in His Kingdom, but what He wants us to do. How can we know? One of the most important steps to finding that answer is to know what our gift is. Not much will happen until we figure that part out. So what is your gift? Or let’s say it this way, what has God “gifted” you to do? Have you ever really thought about that? Have you visited with a trusted Christian brother or sister about it? If not, let’s get started…  

By now, you know that I’m a C.S. Lewis fan. In the movie The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, there are four children wandering about in Narnia. They encountered a Santa Claus like character named Father Christmas. He presented each of the children with a gift. At first, they had no idea about what their gifts were, but later, at a crucial point in the story, they found their gifts to be practical, valuable, and exactly what was needed...   

Lewis used this remarkable imagery to capture and develop some deep truths. The first truth is simple: those of us who follow Jesus, yes, every one of us, have been given a gift to be used for serving and expanding His Kingdom on earth. Do you know what your gift is? If you were to ask other people, what would they say your gift is? What are you good at? What comes easy to you? What are you passionate about? What “turns your crank?”   

In my blog last week, I mentioned a few areas of service that we’d like to fill…I believe we have the right people with the right gifts to fill these areas… To be honest, I’m concerned that over the last couple of years, many of us have pulled back. We’ve used the pandemic and/or any number of other excuses to stop being active in serving God. Some of us have let our gifts grow stale and atrophy from lack of use.    

Serving is a major part of every disciple's life. At Mountainview, we define a disciple as someone who is with Jesus (belong), becoming like Jesus (grow), and doing the things Jesus did (serve). At the risk of being repetitive (have you ever been around a preacher who wasn’t?) here’s what we need right now. If you feel God tapping you on the shoulder, telling you it’s time to step up, please get with the appropriate contact person to find out if your gift is a match.   

Hospitality Team Leader

We’re looking for a person who will recruit and lead a team of volunteers to create a comfortable environment on Sunday mornings by providing coffee, tea, and water in the foyer on Sunday mornings. We have had to pull back from this ministry for a while now, and it’s time to restart it.     If you are interested in serving this way, please email me: 

Children’s Ministry Volunteer

There are several volunteer opportunities in our Kids Ministry. Nursery volunteers care for our infants and toddlers. Kids small group leaders assist with activities and lead discussions that reinforce the lesson. Greeters welcome families and guests, help them use the check-in system, and find where they are going. Pre-K leaders and helpers serve toddlers through 5-year-olds by assisting with activities, telling Bible stories, and building relationships with the kids.  

If you are interested in serving this way, please contact our Student Pastor, Christian Bass:  

Audio Visual and Lighting Ministry Volunteer

This ministry is an important part of our Sunday gatherings. The team takes full advantage of available technology so people can clearly see, hear and participate in our worship gatherings. One volunteer role includes running music and message slides on the computer, playing videos, and generally ensuring that everyone can follow along. Another role is adjusting the house lights by following provided cues. Another is camera operators, who ensure that our online viewers can follow and connect. Yet another role (this one will require some in-depth training) is soundboard operator. This role helps people hear clearly what we do on Sunday mornings, and also ministers to families for funerals, community events, and other events in our spaces. 

If you have an interest in serving in this area, please contact Andrea Bass in the office:  

I hope you will join me as we prepare to celebrate Easter Sunday in a few weeks. We will be meeting in person and on-line at 9:00 and 10:40am.  

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Tom